Enabling entrepreneurs to reduce poverty in developing countries


To learn more about social entrepreneurs in developing countries and impact investoring, visit our companion site: 
To help social entrepreneurs provide sustainable solutions to poverty, please 

What We Do

Vista Ventures Social Impact Fund focuses on social entrepreneurs in developing countries and the infrastructure that supports them.  Founded by an impact investor with years of experience in sub Saharan Africa, we have seen the successes that can be brought by the combination of entrepreneurial drive, market needs and investor capital. We endeavor to apply those same resources to social entrepreneurs who provide goods and services that help to alleviate poverty or improve the environment in developing countries.  

Vista Ventures® services often include advice and training for entrepreneurs regarding the expectations and requirements of various types of investors as they plan their capital attraction strategies.  In some cases, we provide specific advice or very small amounts of catalytic capital to bridge the company to a specific milestone usually related to increased sales or raising capital.  We help entrepreneurs to understand issues in valuation, to negotiate the terms of the investment and to establish practices of good corporate governance.  

For impact investors, we help to sharpen their focus on regions and industries in order to develop realistic expectations of risk and return as well as social impact. We undertake the due diligence on the investment opportunity or certain aspects of the due diligence process and make specific recommendations regarding terms including those that help to protect the investment during the key early years.

How big is the need?  

POPULATION without access to electricity
[internat’l energy agency]

[Centers for Disease Ctrl]

population in extreme povery [world bank]

The ‘pioneer gap’

In recent years a surge of entrepreneurs has worked towards business solutions to alleviate poverty and environmental deterioration in developing countries. In some cases, poor customers have benefited from products available at a price they can afford. In other situations, suppliers, often small holder farmers, have increased their incomes because social entrepreneurs have provided new opportunities to sell their products. New business models have also enabled retailers and their customers to benefit from an increased availability of goods at affordable prices. Applications of new technologies have opened the door for more efficient payment transactions, faster deliveries and raised the potential of future advances.

Many of these new projects have been financed, at least in part, by a corresponding wave of investment seeking to achieve social or environmental goals as well as a financial return. While sometimes preceded by development funds, impact investing angels (individual investors) as well as impact investing funds have helped to fuel the growth of innovative companies.

But it is not enough. These new companies are often seeking to test new business models that are not sufficiently proven to attract investment capital. Most entrepreneurs utilize capital from “friends and family” before even soliciting investment capital but entrepreneurs in developing countries lack access to those personal resources that are more abundant in developed economies. Just as often, the novelty of the business undertaking or the environment in which it will operate raises barriers that are often difficult to anticipate. All of these types of impediments are often called the “pioneer gap” to reflect the additional difficulties typical of the social entrepreneur.

The solution to the pioneer gap is sometimes called enterprise philanthropy. As practiced by Vista Ventures Social Impact Fund, it entails the provision of a small amount of assistance to solve a critical but small problem that is otherwise a barrier to attracting investment capital for the pioneering social entrepreneur.


Bridging the Pioneer Gap

Each situation is unique but we employ responses that conform to several principles. Among them are the following: 

The company’s business model, when implemented, is reasonably likely to be sustainable in the long term and will have measurable impact towards the alleviation of poverty and/or the mitigation of the effects of climate change. 
• The specific problem to be addressed is concrete and is currently a barrier to either attracting investment capital or scaling the business. 
• The remedy for this problem is likely to lead to investment in the near term. 
• The remedy is within the resources of Vista Ventures, both in terms of
management capacity and capital. 

• The company management agrees with the findings and the plan to move forward without reservation.


A Portfolio Benefiting the Vulnerable

The following recent projects demonstrate the practices of Vista Ventures Social Impact Fund in its efforts to bridge the “pioneer gap.”


Millions of households cook on three stones in poorly ventilated spaces.  The result is asthma and other respiratory illnesses particularly among their children.  These housesholds cannot even afford the $40 cookstoves that are available in some markets.  

Mukuru Clean Stoves in western Kenya seeks to eliminate those health hazards with its simple, rugged one-burner stoves that selll for only $10.  With Vista Ventures assistance, the company is expected to triple its 2018 sales in 2019 and be profitable for the first time.  


Most of the world’s poor farmers eke out a living on less than six acres.  Climate change has made the availability of water for irrigation even less predictable.  

Oorja Development Solutions is implementing a system of solar-powered pumps (replacing diesel) which meter water to individual farmers so they pay for only what they consume.  Few can afford their own pump.  Vista Ventures is helping to raise capital for Oorja.  


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